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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Biodigester Project in Lembang, West Java

Since April 2008, KAIL and Change Agent of Japan had facilitated the process of planning and evaluation of Biodigester Project in Lembang, West Java. The project was managed by YPBB (Yayasan Biosains dan Bioteknologi) and PESAT, two NGOs based in Bandung with financial support from Change Agent, Japan. The collaboration will be done during three years period. Every year there will be an evaluation and replanning workshop.

The project is an action research project, which aimed to understand the spreading mechanism of a green technology at the grassroot level. In this project, biodigester is used as a case of technology. Biodigester was chosen because it is a green technology which potentially reduce green house gas emission and reduce the use of non renewable resource. It will also reduce villagers' spending on oil and the use of wood as source of energy for cooking.

The project was designed using System Thinking Analysis and Innovation Diffusion Theory. It aims that in the future the biodigester can spread by itself (self-propelling spread).

Part of the strategies are: training local technician to be able to design and maintain the biodigester locally, and setting up community based finance system to build biodigester. The cost of a biodigester is around 1.5 million rupiah (150 US$), which can be repaid by villagers 1-3 years. According to YPBB technician, a biodigester with good maintenance can work until seven years.

Beside Lembang, YPBB also spread the Beside Lembang, YPBB also spread the technology in Garut and Boyolali.

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