enjoy . explore . learn . connect . act

enjoy . explore . learn . connect . act
kuncuppadangilalang@gmail.com | www.kailweb.blogspot.com
Giri Mekar Permai IV/C-18, Cilengkrang, Bandung 40619


January 2012:
- Annual Meeting
- Be happy & Healthy with Natural Health Systems

February 2012:
- Urban Gardening workshop

March 2012:
- Change Agent Workshop
- Happiness Workshop

April 2012:
- Systems Thinking Workshop
- Writing Workshop
- Healthy Food, Healthy Life Workshop

May 2012:
- Writing Workshop
- Public Speaking Workshop

June 2012
- Local Food Festival
- Arpillera Exhibition
- Volunteer Workshop

July 2012
- Systems Thinking Workshop
- Healthy Lifestyle Workshop

August 2012
- Financial Management Workshop

September 2012
- Writing Workshop
- Understanding Personality Workshop

October 2012
- Envisioning your best job!

November 2012
- Systems Thinking Workshop
- Parenting Workshop

December 2012
- Alternative Health Workshop

For detailed information about each activity, please contact: Melly Amalia - kail.melly@gmail.com

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Monday, September 26, 2011

KAIL Trained High School Students in Bandung

Last September 25th 2011, KAIL organized its first training for High School Students in Bandung. The theme of the training was Success in School and in Life (Sukses di Sekolah dan di Kehidupan) and attended by 13 students from several high schools in Bandung and Ciwidey. The venue was in Galeri Padi, Jalan Dago, Bandung.

During this training the participants learned about the success factors in learning and how to develop learning strategies for achieving their vision. They identified their learning styles and how it influence their learning process. As time management is one of the main challenges for most participants, they learned about Time Management. They also got the opportunity to discuss learning strategies with KAIL resource persons. Finally, they created mindmap of their learning journey.

The training was facilitated by KAIL Staff Any Sulistyowati and KAIL associates, Dhitta Puti Sarasvati, David Ardes Setiadhi and Lili Herawati. This training also supported by KAIL staff Melly Amalia and KAIL volunteers: Rizki Riswandi, Selly Agustina, Sadiatul Khairiyani, and Tini MF.

To get more information about KAIL next event, please contact: Melly Amalia (kail.melly@gmail.com).